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Linear Search in Swift

Naga Velu
2 min readFeb 6, 2021


Linear Search is the process of finding the index of given element in the given array

Let’s starts with naive approach

let nums = [1,2,3,4,5]let numToFind = 5for i in 0..<nums.count {
if numToFind == nums[i] {
print("Found at \(i)")
// prints Found at 4

Above code prints the index of the element if it present in the list of nums

Take Away

  1. Variables in swift are declared using var keyword
  2. Constants in swift are declared using let keyword
  3. All types of arrays follows Arrays structure which has count property that returns number of elements in the Collection

Using Extension

Extensions are powerful features in Swift, where we can define functions and properties that can be used by variables/constants of same type

extension Array where Element:Equatable {
func indexOf(_ num:Element) -> Int {
for i in 0..<self.count{
if self[i] == num {
return i
return -1
let indexOfOne = nums.indexOf(1)
// prints 0
let indexOfNinetyNine = nums.indexOf(99)
// prints -1

However, return -1 is not obvious if we use the index to process some other task. Here comes, Optionals to the Rescue. Rewriting the above code using Optionals.

extension Array where Element:Equatable {
func indexOf(_ num:Element) -> Int? {
for i in 0..<self.count{
if self[i] == num {
return i
return nil
let indexOfOne = nums.indexOf(1)
// prints Optional(0)
let indexOfNinetyNine = nums.indexOf(99)
// prints nil

We can unwrap and get the value of optionals using ! operator as indexOfOne! unwrapping nil values throws errors

Take Away:
1. where clause is a Generic Concept in Swift. Above snippet can be referred as Any array that has Equatable type of contents can access indexOf function.
2. Optionals are used to mitigate potential null values and safely handling them

Functions in Swift:

  1. Functions in Swift starts with func keyword followed by open and close parenthesis
  2. Between parenthesis functions define parameters they operate on.
  3. Each parameter can have two names, first name is referred by calling function and second name is referred inside the function func increment(by num:Int)
  4. First name shall be ignore used _ sign(Don’t Care)
  5. Then follows arrow mark and return type of the function
func increment(by num:Int)->Int{
return 5+num
let fivePlusOne = increment(by : 1)

Thanks for Reading.

Pls provide suggestion in the comments section if any.



Naga Velu

A Person with passion to towards web and mobile development.